Best Clojure Books

If you give someone Fortran, he has Fortran. If you give someone Lisp, he has any language he pleases 🎁
~ Guy Steele, as quoted in Michael Fogus’ and Chris Houser’s The Joy of Clojure 

Are We There Yet? 🚦
~ Rich Hickey (creator of Clojure), title of keynote at JVM Languages Summit (2009). 

Every now and then a man’s mind is stretched by a new idea or sensation, and never shrinks back to its former dimensions 🌹
~ Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., Autocrat of the Breakfast Table 

Lisp is worth learning for the profound enlightenment experience you will have when you finally get it; that experience will make you a better programmer for the rest of your days, even if you never actually use Lisp itself a lot 🌀
~ Eric Raymond, author of The Art of Unix Programming, The Cathedral and the Bazaar 

Lisp has… assisted a number of our most gifted fellow humans in thinking previously impossible thoughts
~ Edsger Dijkstra, CACM, 15:10

If I were in a pinch to single out the bare minimum of must-have languages for the effective, daily practice of the software craft nowadays, I would point to Java and Scala as being absolutely indispensable. At the same time, it’s undeniably helpful to have in one’s toolbox—programming models, if you will—tools from other programming paradigms. I say so because I know full well the inevitability of the need to wield tools from whichever programming paradigm is up to snuff for slaying a particular, wicked problems. With that rather lofty assertion, I submit to you the Clojure programming language 😉

Scala enthusiasts should note that (1) this post is a direct analog of a recent post that has corresponding thoughts on the finest Scala books, and (2) this post on the best Clojure (think Lisp) books is also highly relevant to you. Allow me to elaborate very briefly: The programmer who has done justice to the notion expressed in the second of the two preceding points—in underscoring the eminent relevance of Lisp to Scala—is David Pollak. In his fine book entitled Beginning Scala (Apress), Pollak observes that

After more than two years of writing and loving Scala, the only regrets that I have are that I didn’t learn Lisp in college or take any programming language theory courses in grad school. Each morning that I sit down at the keyboard and start coding Scala, I get a feeling of calm, peace, and power. I know that I’m going to have another day of taking the ideas in my head and reducing them to a running computer program that will be fast and low in defects.

With that, let’s foray into the land of Clojure…

And what a joy Rich Hickey has given to us programmers by creating Clojure—a functional programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is a Lisp dialect and, as such, an inheritor of limitless expressive power. Though I can’t claim to have advanced to the stage of a Lisp hacker, I’ve done plenty of dabbling in Clojure. In this post, I’ll try to distill the essence of the finest resources in print that have helped me grok Clojure. I’ll take an opinionated look at the following books, in turn

  1. The Joy of Clojure, Second edition (Manning), by Michael Fogus and Chris Houser 🏆
  2. Clojure Programming (O’Reilly) by Chas Emerick, Brian Carper, and Christophe Grand 🏄
  3. Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure (The Pragmatic Bookshelf) by Michael Bevilacqua-Linn 🎳
  4. Practical Common Lisp (Apress) by Peter Seibel 🏁
  5. Mastering Clojure Macros (The Pragmatic Bookshelf), by Colin Jones 🎃
  6. On Lisp: Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp (Prentice Hall), by Paul Graham 🎈
  7. Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age (O’Reilly), by Paul Graham ⛱
The abstraction of night and day, as reified by Escher, abstractionist extraordinaire

On our way to my opinionated look at the preceding books, let’s first meander through a preamble, which I hope will also be valuable for you—feel free to initially jump ahead to the reviews themselves, and return to this preamble afterwards!

But first, in the spirit of obviating redundancy—to avoid referring to the individual Lisp dialects out there as being this dialect or that—we will call each of them, simply, a Lisp. Now, of all the languages that run on the JVM, this Lisp is probably the most hard-core, functional programming language in existence, right up there with the likes of Common Lisp and Haskell. While Clojure is not a pure functional programming (FP) language like Haskell, it nonetheless is—unlike Scala, Groovy, JRuby—quite the radical departure from the programming model that most programmers are used to. Allow me to elaborate a bit…

Let’s take Scala which, by the way, is an awesome language in its own right. Scala, though it clearly offers to developers the functional paradigm as part of its programming model, is a hybrid functional object-oriented language, and provides a bridge from object-orientation to FP. Thus, programmers can gradually embrace the functional aspects while operating within the familiar territory of object-oriented (OO) programming.

Enter Clojure, a language that does not provide the familiar OO model within whose comfortable confines most developers have been programming for years—to be sure, Clojure, being a Lisp, has plenty of arsenal to help you assemble any and all OO firepower imaginable, albeit in a different style than that which we associate with, say, the OO programming done in Java, or C# for that matter. Consider how Common Lisp, which is—along with Scheme and Clojure—one of the major Lisps that continues to flourish today, offers the highly sophisticated Common Lisp Object System (CLOS), whose wisdom has indisputably been captured peerlessly by Sonya Keene in her book Object-Oriented Programming in Common Lisp. But I digress…

Coming back to Clojure, you have in this stunningly powerful language an almost bewildering variety of abstraction tools; naturally, this initially places extraordinary demands on a programmer venturing into this language for the first time. A bit like jumping into the deep-end of the swimming pool, getting started with Clojure can be a bit overwhelming.

But rest assured that all your efforts to tame the steep learning curve, which undeniably lies along the road to mastering the abstractions offered by Clojure, will be rewarded through a deepened understanding of the programming craft itself. Even if you don’t end up doing your daily programming in this fine language, simply having access to its unparalleled strengths—and I haven’t even mentioned the mind-expanding epiphany one has on first grokking Clojure macros—can be a source of inspiration. A short take on that is coming up next.

Clojure, being a Lisp, is the ultimate programming language—in the spirit of full disclosure, having made the preceding bold statement, I searched online to confirm the definition of a smart aleck, which Merriam Webster defines as “an obnoxiously conceited and self-assertive person with pretensions to smartness or cleverness”, LOL 😉

Goodness, if your opinion of me gravitated (more like, um, lurched) toward the definition of a smart aleck, or a variation thereof—after reading the bold statement that a high quality Lisp will inevitably be the ultimate programming language—allow me to elaborate, albeit briefly, by quoting a Lisp luminary, Paul Graham. In his stellar manifesto on Lisp macros, which is entitled, simply, On Lisp: Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp (Prentice Hall), he observes that

It’s difficult to convey the essence of a programming language in one sentence, but John Foderaro has come close: “Lisp is a programmable programming language”.

Bear with me, if you will, and please suspend your judgment for a few moments: As you read through the following ideas and, in turn, the book reviews themselves that follow—the real meat of this post—my hope is that the rationale for my admittedly bold statement above will become clearer, especially by the time you reach the end.
Back now to Clojure, which of course is a functional programming language—but unlike a pure functional programming language such as Haskell, which has zero side-effects—Clojure does permit coding with side-effects, though it clearly discourages programmers from writing code which has side-effects (aka impure code).

Allow me to wedge in here the meme that, in Clojure—since it happens to be a Lisp—the experience of meta-programming feels far closer to the regular programming that you and I typically do in other languages. But I digress, again…

Importantly for the legions of Java programmers, Clojure is tightly integrated with Java and the JVM, so all your legacy investment in Java codebases remains intact, while allowing seamless (bidirectional) interoperability between Java and Clojure. Like any other Lisp, your code is data in Clojure—see my comments on homo-iconicity, further along in this post. So programmers can wedge behavior in between reading and evaluating the code (macro-expansion). And therein lies the source of the immense power that Clojure programmers can wield to make programs bend to their will—yes, other languages also have macros, but all macros have not been created equal. But I digress, yet again…

OK, that was another digression, times three, to be precise—and given the proverbial, three strikes and you are out—I will cease and desist further ramblings 😉

So let’s get right on with a rundown of the finest printed resources that I’m aware of, and which have helped me grok Clojure during the dabbling that I’ve done over the past several years.

    1. The Joy of Clojure, Second edition (Manning), by Michael Fogus and Chris Houser 🏆

    The first spot is reserved for a phenomenal book, the likes of which I haven’t seen in a great long while: The Joy of Clojure, Second edition (Manning), by Michael Fogus and Chris Houser. It’s significance makes me want to draw parallels to the Pulitzer prize-winning book Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, by Douglas R. Hofstadter. OK, so The Joy of Clojure is not going to win the Pulitzer any time soon—though there are passages peppered throughout, whose lyrical beauty is bound to grip your imagination—but what it has done for popularizing Clojure is right up there with what the illustrious GEB did for spreading the recursion meme 😉

    In full candor, if you’re new to Clojure, trying to follow the narratives in this book is going to be tough. Period. In fact, the authors unabashedly use the drink-from-the-proverbial-firehose approach, much as Steve Yegge noted in the Foreword to the first edition. But The Joy of Clojure can be a fabulous third or even second Clojure book. The reason for this can be traced to these words by its authors, in the Preface

    Specifically, this book is about how to write Clojure code The Clojure Way. Even more specifically, this book is about how experienced, successful Clojure programmers write Clojure code, and how the language itself influences the way they create software.

    It’s hard to do justice to capturing the elegance and clarity with which the authors share their deep understanding of exactly what makes Clojure tick. Trust me, their peeling back the onion layers to reveal the essence of this Lisp is highly entertaining, and anything but boring! Refreshingly free of hand-waving, their narratives—interleaved with plenty of succinct, high-quality Clojure code snippets—succeed spectacularly at pulling together all the strands of Clojure’s abstractions into a well-knit fabric. The reader can reflect upon their newly garnered enlightenment, and confidently continue to deepen their grasp of The Clojure way.

    To give you a flavor for the contents of The Joy of Clojure, the chapters in this book are nicely organized into the following six sections

    1. Foundations:
    Chapter 1. Clojure philosophy
    Chapter 2. Drinking from the Clojure fire hose
    Chapter 3. Dipping your toes in the pool  

    2. Data types:
    Chapter 4. On scalars
    Chapter 5. Collection types  

    3. Functional programming techniques:
    Chapter 6. Being lazy and set in your ways
    Chapter 7. Functional programming  

    4. Large-scale design:
    Chapter 8. Macros
    Chapter 9. Combining data and code
    Chapter 10. Mutation and concurrency
    Chapter 11. Parallelism  

    5. Host symbiosis:
    Chapter 12.
    Chapter 13. Why ClojureScript?  

    6. Tangential considerations:
    Chapter 14. Data-oriented programming
    Chapter 15. Performance
    Chapter 16. Thinking programs
    Chapter 17. Clojure changes the way you think

    A Resources section toward the end contains just about the most fabulous set of eminently practical resources that I’ve seen anywhere. And it’s not a dry list; witty remarks accompanying the entries in the Resources section make that section of the book enjoyable in its own right 🙂

    Finally, here is Steve Yegge again, in the Foreword to the first edition of The Joy of Clojure, observing with his trademark perspicacity that

    In some sense, all this was inevitable, I think. Lisp—the notion of writing your code directly in tree form—is an idea that’s discovered time and again. People have tried all sorts of crazy alternatives, writing code in XML or in opaque binary formats or using cumbersome code generators. But their artificial Byzantine empires always fall into disrepair or crush themselves into collapse, while Lisp, the road that wanders through time, remains simple, elegant, and pure. All we needed to get back on that road was a modern approach, and Rich Hickey has given it to us in Clojure.

    By the way, even if you have read the first edition, you’ll definitely want to get the second edition, which has been significantly revised to reflect, in the authors’ own words, “…we felt that a second edition should include the lessons of our professional use of this amazing language. Nothing in this book is speculative. Instead, we’ve used every technique and library, from reducibles to core.logic to data-oriented design, to solve real systems problems”.

    Again, I can think of no other Clojure book that has brought as much joy to me as this one has; once you’re reasonably comfortable in finding your way around Clojure code, you’ll be ready to start partaking in the joy of Clojure as embodied in the pages of The Joy of Clojure!

    2. Clojure Programming (O’Reilly) by Chas Emerick, Brian Carper, and Christophe Grand 🏄

    This book next up is an ideal first book. It is entitled, simply,  Clojure Programming (O’Reilly) by Chas Emerick, Brian Carper, and Christophe Grand. Clearly a lot of thought went into putting together this eminently readable introduction to the Clojure programming language. There’s a similarly-named book—entitled Programming Clojure (The Pragmatic Bookshelf), by Stuart Halloway and Aaron Bedra—which is a good book, so be sure to not confuse the one with the other 😉

    For starters, Clojure Programming is replete with tons of high-quality Clojure code snippets which nicely illustrate the point each that those snippets seek to convey—I was able to load the snippets into the REPL in my IDE (IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate) and step through the code without any problem. What I especially liked about the snippets was the thoughtful annotations accompanying them.

    I hasten to qualify with a caveat my earlier note about this being an introductory book—while it is definitely that, do note that it picks up pace rather quickly, so you’ll need to stay alert and closely read (and re-read, as need be) the narratives. Adding that this is no watered-down treatment of Clojure by any stretch of the imagination. If you’re looking for a serious, thought-provoking, first book as a companion and guide to your growing understanding of Clojure, this book is peerless.

    So while there’s not much hand-holding in this thoughtful book, the authors most emphatically do not throw the reader into the deep-end of the swimming pool either! Read along carefully—and do lots of experimentation at your Clojure REPL—and you’ll do just fine. In fact, the authors pointedly remark in the Preface that

    Often the best way to learn is to dig straight into the nitty-gritty of how a language is used in the real world. If that sounds appealing, the hope is that you will find that at least a couple of the practicums resonate with what you do on a day-to-day basis, so that you can readily draw parallels between how you solve certain categories of problems in your current language( s) and how they may be solved using Clojure. You’re going to bump into a lot of potentially foreign concepts and language constructs in those chapters—when you do, use that context within the domain in question as your entry point for understanding those concepts using the relevant instructional material in the first part of the book.

    Far be it from me to pontificate, but I’ll go ahead and throw this out there anyway: Learning Clojure programming won’t be a cake-walk. Allow me to clarify… Unlike learning the typical programming language—each with its own unique syntax and whatnot—Clojure really doesn’t have any syntax to speak of. Yes, I can hear you muttering under your breath, What is he talking about? Well, the deal is that with Clojure being a Lisp, you’ll need to get used to writing your code directly in tree form, think abstract syntax tree-coding.

    Hmm… That sounds dubious, you may well be thinking at this moment… Trust me, coding this way feels mightily unnatural at first 😉

    This is probably best clarified by referring to what Michael Fogus and Chris Houser have to say on this exact point—in The Joy of Clojure—when they note that

    Writing code is often a constant struggle against distraction, and every time a language requires you to think about syntax, operator precedence, or inheritance hierarchies, it exacerbates the problem. Clojure tries to stay out of your way by keeping things as simple as possible, not requiring you to go through a compile-and-run cycle to explore an idea, not requiring type declarations, and so on. It also gives you tools to mold the language itself so that the vocabulary and grammar available to you fit as well as possible to your problem domain. Clojure is expressive. It packs a punch, allowing you to perform highly complicated tasks succinctly without sacrificing comprehensibility.

    Finally, you may be thinking, Why should I stretch myself by picking up Clojure when I’ve got so much already invested in the Java kingdom? That’s an absolutely valid question, and which the authors nicely answer as follows in the Preface to this book, Clojure Programming

    There are millions of Java developers in the world, but some fewer number are working in demanding environments solving nontrivial, often domain-specific problems. If this describes you, you’re probably always on the hunt for better tools, techniques, and practices that will boost your productivity and value to your team, organization, and community. In addition, you’re probably at least somewhat frustrated with the constraints of Java compared to other languages, but you continue to find the JVM ecosystem compelling: its process maturity, massive third-party library selection, vendor support, and large skilled workforce is hard to walk away from, no matter how shiny and appealing alternative languages are.

    If the preceding description fits you, then Clojure Programming is the book for you.

    3. Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure (The Pragmatic Bookshelf) by Michael Bevilacqua-Linn 🎳

    This next book will be ideal for experienced OO programmers who already understand the basics of Clojure, and who now seek to acquire the functional programming style: Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure (The Pragmatic Bookshelf) by Michael Bevilacqua-Linn. Do note that it caters equally to the unique, functional programming style each offered by Clojure and Scala. In fact, the majority of the book revolves around a lengthy series of code examples, alternating between Clojure and Scala code.

    In the Preface, the author convincingly makes the case for using both Clojure and Scala code to illustrate the essence of the functional programming style. Hence, he notes

    Both Scala and Clojure run on a Java virtual machine (JVM), so they interoperate well with existing Java libraries and have no issues being dropped into the JVM infrastructure. This makes them ideal to run alongside existing Java codebases. Finally, while both Scala and Clojure have functional features, they’re quite different from each other. Learning to use both of them exposes us to a very broad range of functional programming paradigms.

    Next, an excellent introductory chapter—which covers the whole notion of how patterns and functional programming are intertwined—kicks things off. It includes a superb, annotated glossary of all the patterns discussed in the book. Following that is a chapter containing an interesting, extended example (TinyWeb), which is in part a refresher of the basics of Scala and Clojure. The author then walks the reader through the steps to gradually transform TinyWeb from Java to Scala and Clojure, with notes on how to integrate Java code with Scala and Clojure.

    What follow next are the two major sections that make up the remainder of Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure. The first section covers in detail the topic of replacing OO patterns by functional patterns, ​illustrated by lots of helpful code snippets—in both Scala and Clojure. The guidance on how to go about crafting functional replacements for OO patterns is thoughtful, and of high quality. The author elaborates on this approach by noting that

    By exploring both the similarities and the differences between Scala and Clojure, you should get a good feel for how each language approaches functional programming and how it differs from the traditional imperative style you may be used to.

    The second section follows, delving into the details of patterns that are native to the functional paradigm. The rationale for the heavy reliance on immutability, the wisdom in making higher-order functions (HOFs) the primary unit of composition, and creating little languages to solve specific problems—think DSLs, which, by the way, Lisp introduced to the world—are all covered in this section.

    For a flavor of this fine book’s contents, this thoughtful books is organized like so

    Table of Contents
    How This Book Is Organized
    Pattern Template  
    Why Scala and Clojure  
    How to Read This Book  
    Online Resources  

    1. Patterns and Functional Programming
    1.1 What Is Functional Programming?  
    1.2 Pattern Glossary 

    2. TinyWeb: Patterns Working Together
    2.1 Introducing TinyWeb  
    2.2 TinyWeb in Java  
    2.3 TinyWeb in Scala  
    2.4 TinyWeb in Clojure   

    3. Replacing Object-Oriented Patterns
    3.1 Introduction  
    Pattern 1. Replacing Functional Interface  
    Pattern 2. Replacing State-Carrying Functional Interface  
    Pattern 3. Replacing Command  
    Pattern 4. Replacing Builder for Immutable Object  
    Pattern 5. Replacing Iterator  
    Pattern 6. Replacing Template Method  
    Pattern 7. Replacing Strategy  
    Pattern 8. Replacing Null Object  
    Pattern 9. Replacing Decorator
    Pattern 10. Replacing Visitor  
    Pattern 11. Replacing Dependency Injection   

    4. Functional Patterns
    4.1 Introduction  
    Pattern 12. Tail Recursion  
    Pattern 13. Mutual Recursion  
    Pattern 14. Filter-Map-Reduce  
    Pattern 15. Chain of Operations  
    Pattern 16. Function Builder  
    Pattern 17. Memoization  
    Pattern 18. Lazy Sequence  
    Pattern 19. Focused Mutability  
    Pattern 20. Customized Control Flow  
    Pattern 21. Domain-Specific Language 

    5. The End 


    If any of the preceding topics excites you, or if you find yourself resonating with the author’s viewpoint on the aims of Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure—which is as follows—then you’ll find much of value in its pages

    Used together, these patterns let programmers solve problems faster and in a more concise, declarative style than with object-oriented programming alone. If you’re using Java and want to see how functional programming can help you work more efficiently, or if you’ve started using Scala and Clojure and can’t quite wrap your head around functional problem-solving, this is the book for you.

    Aren’t we lucky to have in Clojure a Lisp that runs on the stellar piece of software engineering that is the JVM? A blessing counted 🙂

    4. Practical Common Lisp (Apress) by Peter Seibel 🏁

    We have on our hands a powerful book in Practical Common Lisp (Apress) by Peter Seibel. Hmm… You may be wondering at this point, Isn’t this post meant to be a Clojure books’ who’s who? Basically, what could you possibly learn about Clojure by reading about Common Lisp? A lot, as it turns out.

    First, I’ve got a confession to make, since it directly ties in with this book: As much as I’m passionate about crafting quality software, I care equally about the craft of writing, seeking to serve the reader with unpretentiousness and humor. Stuffiness is out! As one classic Pink Floyd song memorably tells us, just the basic facts. Well, let’s see now… So I jettisoned off my copies of The Chicago Manual of Style and Roget’s International Thesaurus, ages ago—along with several hundred other books for reasons of expediency—when I pulled up stakes and moved from Minnesota to Texas. Oh, and I don’t consult the dictionary much now when I write, plus I believe that all of us should have a good laugh at ourselves every now and then, because stuffiness just isn’t for me 😉

    OK, so here’s what my preceding admission has to do with Practical Common Lisp: The writing is crisp and engaging, reminding me in several ways of the stellar writing with which Paul Graham has graced his essays and books—on the subject of Lisp programming, on acquiring the craft of programming, as well as on other diverse subjects. In this book, Peter Seibel regales us with hefty doses of eminently accessible Lisp wisdom, all served in a highly entertaining way. Yes, the Common Lisp language has a decidedly different vision than what we have in The Clojure Way. And then there is Scheme—which is the third of the three Lisps that continue to flourish—following yet another (decidedly minimalist) design philosophy that specifies a tiny standard core. But I digress…

    The point is that all Lisps share a common heritage, which is cross-cutting across them all. So pretty much everything you learn from this book will help you out with understanding Clojure better.

    Yes, while Clojure has introduced pleasant innovations—seamless interoperability with Java code, a rich set of literals for data and collections like vectors, maps, sets, and lists—it still retains its Lisp roots. It was really while reading and absorbing this wonderful book, Practical Common Lisp, that I really nailed down what makes Lisp macros tick.

    This is an amazingly well-written book that you should not miss, even if you never end up writing even a single line of Common Lisp code.

    Oh, and did I mention the delightful observation by the author in his intro that he “…is either a writer-turned-programmer or a programmer-turned-writer”. That really sets the tone for the whole book. Granted, this book won’t be a cake-walk, but then again, it’s Lisp—a formidable language that has to be reckoned with on its own terms—that we’re talking about. And with this power comes the inevitable complexity. But the fantastic news is that all the accompanying complexity is essential in nature, not incidental. Neal Ford has probably articulated this the best; here’s his take on the tension between, and the dichotomy of, essential-accidental-versus-complexity in his fine book titled The Productive Programmer (O’Reilly)

    Essential complexity is the core of the problem we have to solve, and it consists of the parts of the software that are legitimately difficult problems. Most software problems contain some complexity. Accidental complexity is all the stuff that doesn’t necessarily relate directly to the solution, but that we have to deal with anyway.

    While the preceding quote from Neal Ford is in the context of the origins of service-oriented architecture (SOA)—an architectural style whose need derives from companies trying to mitigate the amount of accidental complexity that has built up over time—the notion of these two types of complexity can easily be generalized to the domain of programming languages. At this moment, you may well be thinking to some languages in which programming was a joy; in other languages, perhaps less so. And I didn’t mention FORTRAN, or did I? Oops… Then again, let’s try visualizing a book called The Joy of FORTRAN, shall we? 😉

    So I think we agree that all languages inevitably carry some baggage—it’s the relative degree of the conceptual burden that a programmer has to bear, when using the model of a given language, which sets a language apart from others. To put this in more concrete terms, allow me to share an anecdote based on my half-dozen years of programming in C++. With all due respect to those for whom the experience of programming in C++ is a pleasant and productive one—rather than the harrowing torment of Sisyphus, penitently toiling away at pushing the boulder uphill—given the bewildering variety of rules, exceptions-to-said-rules, which is the conceptual burden that a C++ programmer has to bear.

    The setting for my half-dozen years of programming in C++ was the beautiful state of Minnesota—beautiful, but the harsh, frigid winter season, however, seemed to stretch interminably each year—so the more I would try to warm up to C++, the more that recalcitrant mule of a stubborn language would dig in its heels, responding with nothing but mirthless frostiness, ouch.

    This rueful reminiscing notwithstanding, as a long-time subscriber to the magazine MIT Technology Review, I couldn’t help but recall just how strongly I had resonated with what its then editor Jason Pontin had to say on this exact topic in the MIT TR editorial entitled “On Rules”, back in January 1, 2007. Part of what he neatly articulated addresses precisely the same pain-point that I referred to a moment ago—the burden that some languages place on its practitioners. The editor went on to observe the

    …generations of programmers who have struggled with C++’s quirks of syntax and features overload… A useful programming language should be what computer scientists call an abstraction of the underlying complexity of control flows and data structures. C++ preserves for programmers the maximum possible freedom of expression; but as ­”JLeslie” (another Slashdot commentator) admitted, “The cost was that it wasn’t much of an abstraction.”

    And oh boy! I felt renewed vindication on further reading in the same MIT Technology Review editorial—right down to its use of the precise word, bewildering—the observation that 

    C++ is notoriously hard to learn and use. Partly, this is owing to the difficulty of mastering the language’s paradigmatic method… But mainly it is because software developers are free to express their ideas in C++ in a bewildering variety of forms.

    Amen. But let’s move on, shall we, onward and away from talk of purgatorial experiences?

    Before we do, I feel compelled to reiterate, so please take note: The preceding impressions are mine alone. I would like to think, and in fact hope, that programming in C++ for some others has been far more pleasant than mine. I wish the C++ community—from which I parted many years ago—every success, and truly wish them well.

    So when you program in Clojure—as you would with any Lisp—you get to define your own domain-specific languages (DSLs) to suit your needs. There’s no conceptual burden whatsoever, because you become a language designer, making your own DSLs wherein you encode how your specific business use cases work. Without jumping ahead too much, I point you to a sublime quote from Paul Graham (in my review of his book On Lisp: Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp), which totally nails this idea down. That quote appears further along in this post, so stay tuned 🙂

    Ah, lest I forget, here’s a brief rundown of the cool stuff which awaits the reader in the pages of Practical Common Lisp

    CHAPTER 1    Introduction: Why Lisp?
    CHAPTER 2    Lather, Rinse, Repeat: A Tour of the REPL
    CHAPTER 3    Practical: A Simple Database
    CHAPTER 4    Syntax and Semantics
    CHAPTER 5    Functions
    CHAPTER 6    Variables
    CHAPTER 7    Macros: Standard Control Constructs
    CHAPTER 8    Macros: Defining Your Own
    CHAPTER 9    Practical: Building a Unit Test Framework
    CHAPTER 10   Numbers, Characters, and Strings
    CHAPTER 11   Collections
    CHAPTER 12   They Called It LISP for a Reason: List Processing
    CHAPTER 13   Beyond Lists: Other Uses for Cons Cells
    CHAPTER 14   Files and File I/O
    CHAPTER 15   Practical: A Portable Pathname Library
    CHAPTER 16   Object Reorientation: Generic Functions
    CHAPTER 17   Object Reorientation: Classes
    CHAPTER 18   A Few FORMAT Recipes
    CHAPTER 19   Beyond Exception Handling: Conditions and Restarts
    CHAPTER 20   The Special Operators
    CHAPTER 21   Programming in the Large: Packages and Symbols
    CHAPTER 22   LOOP for Black Belts
    CHAPTER 23   Practical: A Spam Filter
    CHAPTER 24   Practical: Parsing Binary Files
    CHAPTER 25   Practical: An ID3 Parser
    CHAPTER 26   Practical: Web Programming with AllegroServe
    CHAPTER 27   Practical: An MP3 Database
    CHAPTER 28   Practical: A Shoutcast Server
    CHAPTER 29   Practical: An MP3 Browser
    CHAPTER 30   Practical: An HTML Generation Library, The Interpreter
    CHAPTER 31   Practical: An HTML Generation Library, the Compiler
    CHAPTER 32   Conclusion: What’s Next?

    For those venturing into Clojure land for the first time, this book will be an excellent companion to Clojure Programming (O’Reilly)—which was reviewed earlier in this post—and you’ll find these two books complementing each other quite nicely. Good luck!

    5. Mastering Clojure Macros (The Pragmatic Bookshelf), by Colin Jones 🎃

    I found a gem of a book in this title: Mastering Clojure Macros (The Pragmatic Bookshelf), by Colin Jones. I say petite because it’s length is merely 100 pages. But appearances are deceptive, though… This happens to be a fast-moving, densely-packed introduction to Clojure macros, with plenty of mind-expanding ideas. In fact, this very paradox has got me waxing lyrical about its contents to the point where I’m taking poetic license and saying that

    While this book may well be petite and slender
    Trust me, it’s in every way a true mind-bender

    Hmm… Coming on the heels of the prior review, you’re likely forming the impression of Clojure being a language unlike any other that you’ve encountered—assuming that you’re a newcomer to the Lisp paradigm. In this regard, the following comments about this book, Mastering Clojure Macros, by legendary programmer, Robert “Uncle Bob” Martin will hopefully help clarify

    So you thought you knew Clojure? This book changes everything. From its deceptively simple beginnings, to its very challenging conclusion, these pages will help you master the highest power tools of this already powerful language.

    Much as its title heralds, this book is all about macros, up close and personal 😉

    As a side-note, and if you want to stash away a data point on the topic of macros… When you really, really want to knock yourself out on macros—once you’ve got enough understanding of Clojure under your belt—look into tackling the meta mind-bender of a book entitled Let Over Lambda: 50 years of Lisp, by Doug Hoyte. This book by Hoyte will be a rich source of insights, of which the following is a mere sample. In introducing the topic of “Closure-Oriented Programming”, Hoyte quotes Guy Steele on the design of Scheme, when Guy Steele observed that

    One of the conclusions that we reached was that the “object” need not be a primitive notion in a programming language; one can build objects and their behavior from little more than assignable value cells and good old lambda expressions. 

    Hold on to that thought when you contemplate doing OO programming, and then some, in a Lisp such as Clojure…

    OK, getting right back now to Mastering Clojure Macros! What I liked the most about this book is how the author thoughtfully presents considerable explanations to help the reader conceptualize exactly what happens behind the scenes to make macros possible in the first place. And as I mentioned in the preamble to this post: Yes, other languages also have macros, but all macros have not been created equal.

    Basically, you can do meta-programming with Clojure macros that is simply impossible in other fine languages—including Ruby, C++, and even Scala, though there is an ongoing effort towards bringing compile-time meta-programming to Scala. Much as I love programming in Scala, I matter-of-factly have to confess that Lisps—because they are the only homo-iconic languages on this planet—provide the accruing raw programming power which you, as a Clojure programmer, can wield to bend programs to your will.

    Very briefly, to help you assimilate my preceding remark on homo-iconicity, here’s a remarkably compelling round-up of this concept, as described in the pages of Clojure Programming (O’Reilly) by  by Chas Emerick et al, and which I also review in this post—the authors point out that

    The use of parentheses (as a textual representation of lists) is an outgrowth of Clojure being a homo-iconic language. We’ll see what this means in (the side-notes for) Homo-iconicity, but the ramifications of it are manifold: homo-iconicity enables the development and use of meta-programming and domain-specific language constructs simply unavailable in any programming language that is not homo-iconic.

    Circling back now to my earlier remark about how the author thoughtfully presents considerable explanations in Mastering Clojure Macros to help the reader conceptualize exactly what happens behind the scenes to make macros possible in the first place… Here are a couple of brief pointers from the book to give you a flavor of the intriguing discussions strewn across its pages, for example this one where the author tellingly notes that

    Macros in Clojure are an elegant meta-programming system, a means to accomplish goals that might seem impossible in other languages. How hard would it be to add pattern matching or a new control flow structure to your language as a library (rather than patching the core language)? In Clojure, people like you and me have the power to do these things ourselves.

    And a bit more nuts-and-bolts point—super helpful, of course—is when the author invites the reader to imagine like so

    …Can you imagine why—aside from trivia and aesthetics—we actually care that the code can be viewed as normal data? The most compelling answer is that it makes it relatively straightforward to manipulate programs. When we do meta-programming in Clojure, we can think at the expression level rather than at the textual level. It may not seem like a big deal right now, but as you’ll see over the course of this book, this simple concept is the key that allows you to write macros.

    Be prepared to re-read Mastering Clojure Macros many times over; its brevity utterly belies the amount of knowledge that’s packed in this slender book. Finally, to end this book’s review, I leave you with an evocative quote, which could well be applied to undertaking the journey to grok Clojure macros

    There are subjects…that can be appreciated only if you make an effort proportional to their innate complexity.  To hearken back to something like the language of courtly love in medieval France, there are certain objects of our affection that reveal their beauty and charm only when we make a chivalrous but determined assault on their defenses; they remain impregnable if we don’t lay siege to the fortress of their inherent complexity. 

    ~ Christian Queinnec, in Lisp In Small Pieces (Cambridge University Press, 2003), p. xvi

    In the end, here’s a brief rundown of the contents in Mastering Clojure Macros

    1. Build a Solid Foundation
    2. Advance Your Macro Techniques
    3. Use Your Powers Wisely
    4. Evaluate Code in Context
    5. Speed Up Your Systems
    6. Build APIs That Say Just What They Mean
    7. Bend Control Flow to Your Will
    8. Implement New Language Features 
    You won’t find a gentler guide to the profound subject of macros—Have fun with Clojure macros!

    6. On Lisp: Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp (Prentice Hall), by Paul Graham 🎈

    In my mind—and it’s a coincidence that we were talking about the Pulitzer prize earlier—here we have a Lisp hacker of the highest order, in the fine tradition of Timothy Hart and Guy Steele, besides being a writer extraordinaire whose writings could easily garner a Pulitzer. But oh well, founding the path-breaking Y Combinator is perhaps a decent-enough consolation prize 😉

    We’re of course talking about Paul Graham. I’ve written about Paul Graham and his stellar work in some of my earliest posts that you can find on this blog-site. And it’s his book On Lisp: Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp (Prentice Hall) that I review here. This review is immediately followed by the review of another gem from him—I wish for Paul Graham to have the last word, so to say, because I can think of no other modern writer who brings as much wit and grace to the written page as he does with his works on Lisp and other diverse subjects.

    With that, let’s dive right into this tour de force 🙂

    But first, allow me to fulfill a promise I had made earlier, while reviewing Peter Seibel’s Practical Common Lisp, to be precise. I had noted then that a sublime quote from Paul Graham totally nails down the idea that Lisp programmers get to define their own domain-specific languages (DSLs) to suit their needs…

    So I circled back to a post that I had published much earlier—you can read it in its entirety in an earlier post, entitled On Paul Graham’s Essays, and of Y Combinator—I found the section, including the sublime quote that I wished to cite. Look in this quote, too, for the sublime metaphors that the author uses in the second of the following two paragraphs with the cue sentence Language and program evolve together

    …The traditional approach is called top-down design: you say “the purpose of the program is to do these seven things, so I divide it into seven major subroutines. The first subroutine has to do these four things, so it in turn will have four of its own subroutines,” and so on. This process continues until the whole program has the right level of granularity—each part large enough to do something substantial, but small enough to be understood as a single unit. 
    Experienced Lisp programmers divide up their programs differently. As well as top-down design, they follow a principle which could be called bottom-up design—changing the language to suit the problem. In Lisp, you don’t just write your program down toward the language, you also build the language up toward your program. As you’re writing a program you may think “I wish Lisp had such-and-such an operator.” So you go and write it. Afterward you realize that using the new operator would simplify the design of another part of the program, and so on. Language and program evolve together (italics are mine). Like the border between two warring states, the boundary between language and program is drawn and redrawn, until eventually it comes to rest along the mountains and rivers, the natural frontiers of your problem. In the end your program will look as if the language had been designed for it. And when language and program fit one another well, you end up with code which is clear, small, and efficient.
    I hasten to clarify that while I’ve read numerous portions of this utterly endearing book—many of them, several times over—but I don’t in any way claim to have mastered its contents; mastering the art of macro-writing takes years of practice, and I’ve got merely a handful under my belt 😉

    On Lisp is a highly literate, engaging, down-to-earth, and precise discussion of all things Lisp macros. With the exception of one other book, I’m not aware of any other books that cover this topic half as substantially; the other superb book I allude to is entitled Let Over Lambda: 50 years of Lisp, by Doug Hoyte. I would strongly suggest, though, that you first read the former, which will prepare you to tackle the latter.

    Wrapping up that ever-so-brief segue into an allied gem as I did—Hoyte’s book Let Over Lambda—here’s an eloquent tribute from that book (to On Lisp), with its author’s italicization kept intact

    On Lisp is one of those books that you either understand or you don’t understand. You either adore it or you fear it. Starting with its very title, On Lisp is about creating programming abstractions which are layers on top of lisp. After we’ve created these abstractions we are free to create more programming abstractions which are successive layers on earlier abstractions.

    And speaking of this book of Lisp lore—the magnum opus, On Lisp—pay close attention to how Paul Graham marvelously captures in the Preface the essence of what it means to program in Lisp

    When someone asked Louis Armstrong what jazz was, he replied “If you have to ask what jazz is, you’ll never know.” But he did answer the question in a way: he showed people what jazz was. That’s one way to explain the power of Lisp—to demonstrate techniques that would be difficult or impossible in other languages. Most books on programming—even books on Lisp programming—deal with the kinds of programs you could write in any language. On Lisp deals mostly with the kinds of programs you could only write in Lisp. Extensibility, bottom-up programming, interactive development, source code transformation, embedded languages—this is where Lisp shows to advantage. 

    I hoped to do more than simply demonstrate the power of Lisp, though. I also wanted to explain why Lisp is different. This turns out to be a subtle question—too subtle to be answered with phrases like “symbolic computation.” What I have learned so far, I have tried to explain as clearly as I can. 

    I hope reading this book will be fun. Of all the languages I know, I like Lisp the best, simply because it’s the most beautiful. This book is about Lisp at its lispiest. I had fun writing it, and I hope that comes through in the text.

    I don’t know about your reaction, but when I giddily read this passages, I sure fell for it, hook, line, and sinker—I’m a sucker for ravishing prose like that and, of course, for beautiful code.

    Again, it’s nearly impossible to convey a sense for the precision and elegance with which Paul Graham dissects, nay vivisects, the various topics he covers in the course of his wide-ranging discussions of all things Lisp macros. But I’ll try some more and paraphrase what Jeremy Ashkenas—creator of CoffeeScript, Backbone.js, and Underscore.js—says about Clojure programmer extraordinaire Michael Fogus’ book entitled Functional JavaScript: Introducing Functional Programming with Underscore.js (O’Reilly) in that book’s Foreword

    This is a terribly exciting book… It breaks down… Lisp programming into its basic atoms, and builds it back up again into edifices of terrifying cleverness that will leave you wondering. It’s rare that a programming book can take you by surprise, but this one will.

    Again, I paraphrased above the words of Jeremy Ashkenas to reflect my own, near-identical, sentiments toward On Lisp.

    What’s quite amazing, too, about On Lisp is the exposure to a plethora of Lisp technique you’ll get by poring over its pages. In fact, as the author himself notes, “Just as a tour of New York could be a tour of most of the world’s cultures, a study of Lisp as the programmable programming language draws in most of Lisp technique”.

    Speaking of Lisp technique, when you’re ready for exposure to additional mind-expanding technique, albeit with far less focus on Lisp macros—for which On Lisp and Let Over Lambda remain the champs—you simply can’t go wrong with perusing the gem from Peter Norvig entitled Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp, affectionately known to its adherents by the acronym PAIP.

    At the moment, while I don’t have room to delve into my opinions on the intriguing content of Peter Norvig’s PAIP, I’ll leave you with a couple of points that its author makes about Lisp, the programmable programming language, specifically about Common Lisp

    Lisp’s flexibility allows it to adapt as programming styles change, but more importantly, Lisp can adapt to your particular programming problem. In other languages you fit your problem to the language; with Lisp you extend the language to fit your problem. 

    Because of its flexibility, Lisp has been successful as a high-level language for rapid prototyping in areas such as AI, graphics, and user interfaces. Lisp has also been the dominant language for exploratory programming, where the problems are so complex that no clear solution is available at the start of the project. Much of AI falls under this heading.

    With a blend of rigor and writing virtuosity permeating the pages of On Lisp—awash as this book is, in the Kool Aid of Lisp goodness—I wonder whether the superb light rock artist Steve Winwood, in his song Don’t You Know What The Night Can Do?, perhaps had Lisp in mind when he sang mellifluously, intoning that 😉

    Now’s the time that our dreams are finally coming true
    Feels so good, we’re crying 

    Now’s the time when it’s down to me and you
    Spread these wings, we’ll be flying

    OK, maybe my imagination ran away with me a bit, but you get the idea of how you get to be the language designer even as you wear your programmer hat? Yep, that’s what Lisp buys you—Oh, and substitute the word ‘Clojure’ for wherever I used either ‘Lisp’ or ‘Common Lisp’ above, and you’ll be good, for the most part 🙂

    To round out this review, here then are the jewel-like chapters of On Lisp, each resplendent in its own shimmering lights, awaiting to irradiate the reader

    1. The Extensible Language
    2. Functions
    3. Functional Programming
    4. Utility Functions
    5. Returning Functions
    6. Functions as Representation
    7. Macros
    8. When to Use Macros
    9. Variable Capture
    10. Other Macro Pitfalls
    11. Classic Macros
    12. Generalized Variables
    13. Computation at Compile-Time
    14. Anaphoric Macros
    15. Macros Returning Functions
    16. Macro-Defining Macros
    17. Read-Macros
    18. Destructuring
    19. A Query Compiler
    20. Continuations
    21. Multiple Processes
    22. Nondeterminism
    23. Parsing with ATNs
    24. Prolog
    25. Object-Oriented Lisp

    There you have it, a radiant gem of a book. And a first-class companion for On Lisp, should you wish to keep a reference handy while you study it, will be the following: So I also have a copy of Paul Graham‘s ANSI Common Lisp (Prentice Hall), which is another remarkably good book in its own right. What’s really cool about the book ANSI Common Lisp is that it combines a top-notch—albeit, somewhat briefer, though not terse—introduction to Lisp programming, and a convenient, up-to-date reference manual for the standardized, ANSI Common Lisp language. Rounding out the second chapter of his book ANSI Common Lisp is, Paul Graham notes on p.28 that

    Richard Gabriel once half-jokingly described C as a language for writing Unix. We could likewise describe Lisp as a language for writing Lisp. But this is a different kind of statement… It opens up a new way of programming: as well as writing your program in the language, you can improve the language to suit your program. If you want to understand the essence of Lisp programming, this idea is a good place to start.

    Enough said. There are a ton of substantial, extremely high-quality programming examples in ANSI Common Lisp, which bear the trademark virtuosity of its expert author-programmer-entrepreneur.

    7. Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age (O’Reilly), by Paul Graham ⛱

    Last, but certainly not the least, is this beguiling and highly entertaining book, Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age (O’Reilly), by Paul Graham. In fact, if you recall my remark at the very outset of this post—where I had noted that “I wish for Paul Graham to have the last word, so to say”—I can think of no other modern writer who brings as much wit and grace to the written page as he does.

    This charming book will be especially helpful to someone completely new to the Lisp family of languages, including Clojure. While there isn’t much nuts-and-bolts programming advice at all in this book, there’s definitely a hefty dose of eminently accessible material that’ll help you appreciate and understand the Lisp philosophy. Two additional resource will also be worthy of your attention, so I mention them in the same breath

    • Eric Raymond’s wise post entitled How To Become A Hacker 
    • Peter Norvig’s riotously entertaining and wise take on how to Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years

    The careful reader may have noted that one of the quotes that kicks things off in this post is from Eric Raymond’s helpful post cited above. Let’s now dive right into our final book review. But first let’s disabuse ourselves of any vagueness that might surround the sense in which the overloaded word hacker is used here, both by the authors—in their respective books, which I’m reviewing here—and by myself. Here’s how Paul Graham introduces this word in the Preface to Hackers & Painters

    Hackers? Aren’t those the people who break into computers? Among outsiders, that’s what the word means. But within the computer world, expert programmers refer to themselves as hackers. And since the purpose of this book is to explain how things really are in our world, I decided it was worth the risk to use the words we use.

    With that definition to level-set our understanding of exactly who hackers are, I draw your attention to the fact that there’s so much brilliantly endearing and accurate observations—including those on the role and impact of computing on the larger world, but more on that later—jam-packed into this book that you’ll want to pore over every nook and cranny. And I literally mean, like, right down to the Notes section—which everyone, including myself, skips when reading a typical book—because Hackers & Painters is not your typical book. You don’t want to miss the nuggets of wisdom tucked away in the recesses of this fantastic book. And I didn’t even mention the top-notch Glossary, which appears before the Index.

    To that end, here’s the author’s delightful observation on the topic of interruptions, which appears—see I told you to avoid skipping anything—in the Notes section 😉

    Different kinds of work have different time quanta. Someone proofreading a manuscript could probably be interrupted every fifteen minutes with little loss of productivity. But the time quantum for hacking is very long: it might take an hour just to load a problem into your head. So the cost of having someone from personnel call you about a form you forgot to fill out can be huge. This is why hackers give you such a baleful stare as they turn from their screen to answer your question. Inside their heads a giant house of cards is tottering.

    Enough said.

    What makes Hackers & Painters truly special is the exceptionally cultivated writing skill that the author wields in sharing insights, which of course are based on his equally exceptional programming skills. To get a sense for this virtuosity on display, in both spheres—the one where man communicates with fellow readers, the other where man communes with the computer—there’s no substitute for reading the book itself. My impressions notwithstanding, and which I’ve tried to convey here, you really have to read this book and form your own assessment.

    By the way, even as I wrote the second-half of the preceding point above—the sphere wherein man communes with the computer his codified logic—I was acutely aware of the following excellent advice shared by MIT professors Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman who, along with Julie Sussman, crafted the classic tome, The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, from which to learn the fine art of programming (in the Lisp called Scheme). The authors note, in the Preface to the First Edition, that

    ...a computer language is not just a way of getting a computer to perform operations but rather that it is a novel formal medium for expressing ideas about methodology. Thus, programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.

    So I’ve read Hackers & Painters at least six times since I bought it, way back when I lived in wintry Minnesota. And unlike my experience with the assembly-language-on-steroids that is the C++ language, I positively warmed up to the Lisp philosophy enshrined in its pages.

    Each time I re-read this delicious book, I seemed to find anew yet another insight, and this circling back continues as a virtuous cycle to this day, illuminating and informing me, deepening my appreciation for the role of computing—especially his stellar coverage of (Common) Lisp—in the digital world whose infrastructure is unerringly gravitating toward embracing the complexity-taming foundational work with which John McCarthy enlightened the functional world in 1958.

    Here is Paul Graham’s sparkling-with-wit take on this very topic

    What I mean is that Lisp was first discovered by John McCarthy in 1958, and popular programming languages are only now catching up with the ideas he developed then. 

    Now, how could that be true? Isn’t computer technology something that changes very rapidly? In1958, computers were refrigerator-sized behemoths with the processing power of a wristwatch.  How could any technology that old even be relevant, let alone superior to the latest developments?

    I’ll tell you how. It’s because Lisp was not really designed to be a programming language, at least not in the sense we mean today… But in late1958, Steve Russell, one of McCarthy’s grad students, looked at this definition of eval and realized that if he translated it into machine language, the result would be a Lisp interpreter. 

    Suddenly, in a matter of weeks, McCarthy found his theoretical exercise transformed into an actual programming language—and a more powerful one than he had intended. So the short explanation of why this 1950s language is not obsolete is that it was not technology but math, and math doesn’t get stale.

    Hackers & Painters was published back in 2004, but it remains every bit as relevant and vibrant as it was when it was published. Here’s a brief rundown of the topics which awaits the reader in the pages of this entertaining book

    1. Why Nerds Are Unpopular
    2. Hackers and Painters
    3. What You Can’t Say
    4. Good Bad Attitude
    5. The Other Road Ahead
    6. How to Make Wealth
    7. Mind the Gap
    8. A Plan for Spam
    9. Taste for Makers
    10. Programming Languages Explained
    11. The Hundred-Year Language
    12. Beating the Averages
    13. Revenge of the Nerds
    14. The Dream Language
    15. Design and Research 


    While the entire book is uniformly excellent, the standout chapters are the final six, beginning with Chapter 10, which is entitled Programming Languages Explained. There’s simply tons of good stuff in there that you don’t want to miss 🙂
    To drill down just a bit into one of those chapters, entitled Revenge of the Nerds, where Paul Graham—in leading up to a fabulous section called What Made Lisp Different—notes that, “So the short explanation of why this 1950s language is not obsolete is that it was not technology but math, and math doesn’t get stale”. The author then goes on to observe

    When it was first developed, Lisp embodied nine new ideas. Some of these we now take for granted, others are only seen in more advanced languages, and two are still unique to Lisp. The nine ideas are, in order of their adoption by the mainstream…

    He then regales the reader with a highly accessible commentary on those nine ideas, which I simply cite here

    1. Conditionals.
    2. A function type.
    3. Recursion.
    4. Dynamic typing.
    5. Garbage-collection.
    6. Programs composed of expressions.
    7. A symbol type.
    8. A notation for code using trees of symbols and constants.
    9. The whole language there all the time.
    Paul Graham’s take on the last idea in the preceding list—in his memorable words, “The whole language there all the time”—is in particular just plain ineffable, and worth lingering on!

    Many languages have something called a macro. But Lisp macros are unique. And believe it or not, what they do is related to the parentheses. The designers of Lisp didn’t put all those parentheses in the language just to be different… 

    …You write programs in the parse trees that get generated within the compiler when other languages are parsed. But these parse trees are fully accessible to your programs. You can write programs that manipulate them. In Lisp, these programs are called macros. They are programs that write programs. 

    Programs that write programs? When would you ever want to do that? Not very often, if you think in Cobol. All the time, if you think in Lisp.

    So there, I’ve done my level best to give you a flavor of this marvelous book, Hackers & Painters, and a highly opinionated one at that, likely tinged by my subjective impressions. You are on to something if you think—well, I do so, anyway—that we have in this book an expert chiseling away at ideas plus some amazing conceptual artistry…

    Lambda calculus (λ-calculus), the inspiration behind functional programming

    Oh, goodness. I wasn’t quite planning on this… So I dwell in a world powered by the duo dynamos of Java and Scala, along with their respective frameworks each. But my fondness for Clojure in particular, and the Lisp philosophy in general, never really left me, I realize. Functional programming, math, oh my!

    In putting together my thoughts for these reviews—in particular while reviewing the last two books, where I let Paul Graham have the last word—I’m grippingly reminded, yet again, how some things just never go out of style. Ever.

    We keep coming back to the basics. Functional programming is inspiring a renaissance in the way we craft software. MapReduce, Domain-Specific Languages, and Lambda Architecture, anyone?

    This point is underscored by Michael Fogus and Chris Houser in their stellar book, The Joy of Clojurewhere they invite the reader to

    Go to any open source project hosting site, and perform a search for the term Lisp interpreter. You’ll likely get a cyclopean mountain of results from this seemingly innocuous term. The fact of the matter is that the history of computer science is littered with the abandoned husks of Lisp implementations. Well-intentioned Lisps have come and gone and been ridiculed along the way, and yet tomorrow, search results for hobby and academic Lisps will have grown almost without bounds.

    And yes—Clojure, Common Lisp, Scheme—long live all the Lisps of the world!

    The loveliness of virtuous feedback—Escher has done it, yet again!

    And so we come to the end. Much as I mentioned at the outset, I invite your comments—Having now read my brief take each on the preceding half-dozen books…

    • Do you find that your experience of reading any of these books was different than mine? 
    • Perhaps some qualities that I didn’t cover are the ones that you found the most helpful as you learned Clojure and its ecosystem. 
    • Did I leave out any of your favorite Clojure book(s)? 
    • If so, what could I also review, perhaps in a future blog post.
    • I’ve covered only a partial list of the Clojure books that I’ve read, necessarily limited by the time available…

    My hope is that these brief vignettes will help you in your journey to grokking Clojure—meandering out of necessity through its close cousin, Common Lisp—otherwise, you will miss out on some evergreen classics that inform how Clojure has been put together.

    Bon voyage, and I leave you with a photo of a pseudo-random section of one of my bookshelves—heavens behold, I do confess this section se a tad biased toward Clojure material 😉


    1. Adding an afterthought here, more akin to a post-script 🙂

      My hope, again, is that these brief vignettes will help you in your journey to grokking Clojure. But I enjoy writing—more on that in a moment—so that I would write even if I had an audience of only one 🙂

      But as I had commented in a recent post, Best Scala Books, I was pleasantly taken by surprise—I had glanced at the statistics of visitors to this post to learn that over 3,800 readers like you (and counting) have now made the time to come read what I had written. So thank you for your gracious time and interest!

      As promised in my comment on that post, this post on Clojure is my way of saying, thank you!

      Ah, lest I forget, to address my point above about how I derive joy from the craft of writing this blog on technical subjects that intrigue me—So a large part of my enjoyment is informed by the following mindset. Hearkening back to what someone has thoughtfully said, I write code to better understand what I design. Along with my resonating with the preceding metaphor during my daily work of design and coding, and closer to the current theme, I write prose to better formulate what I think.

      Again, thank you. And I encourage you to share your thoughts and reactions to what you read on this blog, through your comments!

    2. Thank you for this post, I can see you put a lot of work into it.

      I've ordered the Paul Graham book and am looking at getting The Joy of Clojure.

      Do you know if the "Clojure Programming" book is still up to date, as I see it was published back in 2012? Has the language stayed relatively stable since then?

      My only experience is with Emacs Lisp, but would like to learn Clojure as well.

    3. Thank you for the thoughtful comment, Matthys! The past two weeks have been a whirlwind of activity on my end, and I'm responding to your comment absolutely as soon as I could…

      I'm delighted that you appreciated and enjoyed this post—Lisp is an amazingly lovely language, and I had wished to share the best of what I've learned about Lisp.

      You'll enjoy both the Paul Graham book and The Joy of Clojure—for the latter, make sure to get the second edition. I have read and thoroughly enjoyed both editions, and each is superb in its own right; but if you want to start with one of the two editions, I would recommend that you get the latest and greatest on Clojure development themes, which are covered marvelously well by Michael Fogus and Chris Houser in the second edition of The Joy of Clojure.

      As to your question regarding the book Clojure Programming, although it was published back in 2012, it is for all practical purposes very much still up to date since Clojure has remained quite stable since then.

      Although I have never used Emacs—I continue to use IntelliJ IDEA from JetBrains for virtually all of my polyglot programming—I've heard great things about it, especially as to how infintely extensible and customizable it is.

      Finally, speaking of your plans to learn Clojure as well, it just so happens that I had previsouly put together some other material for an important aspect of exactly this sort of thing—that is, setting up an editor / IDE (specifically IntelliJ) for Clojure programming. That is covered as part of another one of my posts, and you can look it up @ Best IDE in the World: IntelliJ IDEA

      Enjoy 🙂

    4. Hi Akram

      Thanks for taking the time to reply. Since I posted the original comment, I've read both the Paul Graham book as well as the Joy of Clojure, and found them both to be really good. So thanks again for the post, as it really inspired me to do some more reading.

      I'll definitely have to go over The Joy Of Clojure again, as it'll take some time to digest the more complex topics, specifically the last few chapters (e.g. logic programming and concurrency).

      However, I am very excited about learning the Clojure language, especially the ClojureScript version. I've been reading a lot about using ClojureScript, and it seems to be a pretty fun way of writing Javascript based web and mobile applications, especially when combined with libraries like Reagent and Re-frame.

      I'm also currently investigating the options for using ClojureScript for developing Android applications using Facebook's React Native and Reagent.

      I'll be sure to check out your other posts about Clojure.

    5. I appreciated very much, again, your further detailed comment, Matthys! These past couple of months have gone by in a blur: I began working full-time in a Big Data programming job, and have been deep into the Apache Storm project, which is written in good old Lisp (the Clojure dialect, to be precise)… So I'm responding to your comment just as soon as I could…

      I'm delighted that you made the time to read, enjoyed, and found value in, both the Paul Graham book as well as the Joy of Clojure; delighted that you found value in my posted musings as well 🙂

      Nice, it's good to hear that you're excited about learning the Clojure language, especially ClojureScript (I can find my way around JavaScript code, though I don't use JS routinely enough to claim native fluency). Do keep us posted here on your findings with ClojureScript and its nexus with JS.

      I'll shortly add some additional resources (on Lisp) here, by way of comments, which you can check out as well…

    6. Bryan (Innes) recently contacted me and graciously shared a superb resource on all things Lisp, which, in turn, I wish to share with you all:

      Common Lisp: Intro, Resources & FAQ

      One of my all-time programming heroes (Guy Steele) is widely regarded as the father of Common Lisp, and it gives me great pleasure to share the preceding resource. Thank you, Bryan!

    7. Thanks a ton for sharing your thoughts, Akmal! Precisely, in fact, one of my aims in this particular post was to do exactly that: Take readers like yourself through a set of resources that progressively grow in sophistication. Adding that I must confess having been away from blogging for quite a while. But I do intend to catch up and write up a post or two soon 🙂

    8. I appreciated very much your generous praise for my blog, Nisha! Comments such as these, from readers such as yourself, make my day every time. I enjoy writing and, as I've noted elsewhere in a blog post, what really excites me about the craft of writing are its evolving, immersive, and dynamic aspects, probably best articulated by legendary American writer, Ernest Hemingway, when he said:

      "A writer's problem does not change. He himself changes, and the world he lives in changes, but his problem remains the same. It is always how to write truly, and having found what is true, to project it in such a way that it becomes part of the experience of the person who reads it."

      Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts, and enjoy 🙂

    9. Folks – As I noted a bit earlier this morning, I've been away from blogging for quite a while, now. But I do intend to catch up and write up a post or two soon 🙂

      Meanwhile, I noticed an exciting book that's been published fairly recently: Common Lisp Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach, by Edmund Weitz.

      You can read details and reviews of this book on… One thing that caught my attention was the author's mathematical background, from which I can surmise that the author (Edmund Weitz) brings a hefty dose of mathematical rigor to his writing and his coding style.

      According to the short bio on the page for this book: Edmund Weitz is well-known in the Common Lisp community for his open-source libraries and for being one of the organizers of the European Common Lisp Meeting. He has a Ph.D. in mathematics and has been a free-lance Common Lisp consultant for clients in the US, Europe, and Asia since 2002. He now works as a professor for math and computer science at the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg, Germany.

      As Paul Graham noted somewhere in his extensive essays, or perhaps this was in one of his books, and I'm paraphrasing him from memory, Math never goes out of style. So that's already one thing going in favor of this book 🙂

    10. Thanking each and every one of the nearly ten thousand folks (9,152, to be precise, when I checked the stats a minute ago) who dropped in to read this Clojure post!

    11. I appreciated very much, Rafiqul Islam, your making the time to read my essay, plus sharing your thoughts. Glad you enjoyed it, and found some value in these essays 🙂

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